Thursday, October 8, 2015


A Venezuelan upper middle class lady arrives at Miami International Airport, when interrogated about her trip by the immigration officer and looking at her passport the woman officer says: "Oh Venezuela, what a beautiful country, but what a corrupt country!" The Venezuelan lady told me this story in tears how she had been denigrated by the officer. I told her next time she has to say: Yes, Venezuela has a corrupt government historically, but all the money is in U.S. banks! end of discussion.
Una señora de clase media alta Venezolana llegal al aeropuerto internacional de Miami en Estados Unidos, cuando la oficial de imigración la interroga, viendo su pasaporte le dice- VENEZUELA! QUE PAIS TAN BELLO, PERO QUE PAIS TAN CORRUPTO! La señora me cuenta esta historia con lágrimas en los ojos, como la oficial la había descompensado y denigrado psicológicamente. Yo le dije que la próxima vez que le dijeron algo parecido, respondiera, SI, VENEZUELA TIENE UN GOBIERNO CORRUPTO HISTORICAMENTE, PERO TODO EL DINERO ESTA EN BANCO NORTEAMERICANOS! fin de la discusión. Carlos E. Mijares Poyer - Author & Marketer ‪#‎miami‬ ‪#‎caracas‬ ‪#‎venezuela‬ ‪#‎maturin‬ ‪#‎maracaibo‬ ‪#‎tachira‬‪#‎sancristobal‬ ‪#‎merida‬ ‪#‎losangeles‬ ‪#‎nyc‬ ‪#‎houston‬ ‪#‎charlotte‬ ‪#‎boston‬‪#‎london‬ ‪#‎india‬ ‪#‎buenosaires‬ ‪#‎colombia‬ ‪#‎curacao‬ ‪#‎jamaica‬ ‪#‎mexico‬ ‪#‎madrid‬‪#‎barcelona‬


WHERE S Thomas Pynchon, the true laureate! Carlos E. Mijares Poyer - Author & Marketer ‪#‎sweden‬ ‪#‎nobelprize‬ ‪#‎literature‬ ‪#‎writers‬ ‪#‎novelists‬‪#‎nyc‬ ‪#‎london‬ ‪#‎paris‬ ‪#‎netherlands‬ ‪#‎germany‬ ‪#‎losangeles‬ ‪#‎kansas‬ #nyc‪#‎newyork‬ ‪#‎massachussetts‬ ‪#‎connecticut‬ ‪#‎pennsylvania‬ ‪#‎japan‬ ‪#‎china‬‪#‎caracas‬ ‪#‎venezuela‬ ‪#‎literatura‬ ‪#‎escritores‬ ‪#‎arte‬ ‪#‎art‬ ‪#‎buenosaires‬‪#‎colombia‬ VARGAS LLOSA IS NOT A NOBEL LAUREATE, JUST LIKE GARCIA MARQUEZ ISN'T EITHER, IN COMPARISON TO Jorge Luis Borges and Julio Cortazar- these last two wrote better than any writer in the first world, the nobel academy chose two impostors like vargas llosa and marquez to represent Latinamerica! Gabriel García Márquez novel One Hundred Years of Solitude is written with the hidden fact method invented by Ernest Hemingway and Ernest's use of the Paratactic simple declarative sentence style, without developing the sentence beyond the semicolon like William Faulkner. William Faulkner created a microcosm universe in the mythical town of Yoknapatawpha County in the Great South of the United States of America, and wrote with the hypotactic style in structuralist prose, developing what the reader is to see and know, as well as the point of the narrator and the tense from which the narrator is talking from, developing situations, settings, arguments etc. in the majority of sentences and mythical characters beyond the semicolon and the use of complex sentences, compound complex sentences and accurate punctuation, specially the use of the comma. Garcia Marquez took Hemingway's style of writing and created the mythical town of Macondo in Colombia with mythical characters which was invented by Faulkner, in a blatant criminal delinquent to the face plagiarism hidden by postmodernist analysts as a valid appropriation, which nothing more than convenient collage, cut and paste, and theft. Garcia Marquez whom I visited in Havana in the Siboney area of this city still has a luxury house in Havana paid for by his intimate political friend Fidel Castro, and Marquez's role as the nobel laureate of the colombian drug cartels. This is the subject of a book of my analysis and intellectual property discovered more than 25 years ago. (c)copyright 1989, by Carlos E. Mijares Poyer author and marketer. The simple sentence style of S-V-P (Subject-Verb-Predicate) used by Marquez to tell a story about a mythical style changing the setting from the american deep south to colombia of Faulner's invention and discovery using Hemingway's writing style is a literary theft. Borges and Cortazar are geniuses of their own worlds, cosmologies and literary styles, not collages like the chinese nobel laureate Mo Yan, which uses metaphysical fantasy characters of western tendency to typify chinese nationalist scenarios and poetics, thus using the collage form which is not art. The true winner of the nobel prize for literature which has been nominated for years is Thomas Pynchon, american writer and genius, owner and activitist of an authentic fiction and literary cosmology since 1974, and before with his short story collection SLOW LEARNER and the novel GRAVITY'S RAINBOW. Bill Clinton of course loves Marquez's literature for it places latinamerica as a marginal underdeveloped scenario of inferior genetic characters and situations, in its sociology and psychology, something so convenient for bigot and xenophobics in this world to defend, protect and maintain the pseudosuperiority of the first world which feeds on the resources of the so called third world. LOL

The Swedish Academy is set to announce the winner of the 2015 Nobel Prize in Literature on Thursday, October 8, at 1pm local time in Stockholm. This year there…